Wednesday, January 13, 2021

When We Were 18 We Went Off !!!

When we were 18 we went off,

When you aimed to be a doctor,
I aimed to be a brave man...
When you cleared NEET,
I cleared my NDA...
When you were in a medical college,
I was in a training camp...
When your day started at 9 am and ended at 5 pm,
Mine started at 2am and ended at 10pm..
When you were having deep sleep,
I awake in scary nights...

 At Job;

When you were holding test tubes, scissors and cutters,
I was holding rifles, guns and grenades...
When you were awarded with a graduation cap,
I was awarded with the medals and colorful bands
Which shone on my chest...
When you always lived with mother and father,
I lived with their photos in my pocket...

We were married;

When your wife could see you every day,
My wife just wished I was alive...
When you were with your wife and shared feelings...but,
I couldn't...
When you went to trips,
I went to fight...
When you were treating the patients with injections,
I was fighting with my guns...
When you were celebrating Holi with different colors and family,
I was shedding my red blood...
No one knows that either one day
I would come to home with my luggage or in a coffin,
Wrapped with "Tricolor flag" with 4 soldiers holding on their arms...

Finally I came in coffin...

All were in tears...
When you whipped your wife's tears...but,
I couldn't...
When you hugged her,
I couldn't...
As my life is ended,
Her life is also ended unknowingly...
You are happy you are alive,
I am happy that I died for my country...
You worked for the country,
I died for the country while working for it...

When we were 18, we went off....!!!!

                                                        -SAKSHAM YADAV
                                                         Instagram ID:- _nxt_sky_