Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Iced Tea Day

Drinks are such a key part of modern culture that they are so much than just a necessity for the body. We drink water to survive, we drink coffee to stay alert, we sip cocktails to feel refreshed and get in the mood, and we drink soda to relax and unwind. Different drinks feed into different moods and give us new and unique experiences that play a big role in our lives, both socially and at home. So, it is important to make sure you sample as many different beverages as you can. 

On a hot summer day, there’s nothing that quenches the thirst and fosters relaxation quite as much as a frosty cold glass of iced tea. While hot tea is delicious and certainly an excellent beverage for most situations, it’s purely inappropriate for picnics, and it only stays hot so long. Instead, it is necessary to branch out to the more versatile and refreshing alternatives. Sweet tea is one of the most popular beverages in the deep South, but it’s just one example of the variety that can be iced tea.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

World Chocolate Day

Chocolate Day is nothing short of a special tribute to mankind’s greatest culinary invention. (Sorry Bread or even Pizza!) Chocolate can enhance and help to create the most luxurious desserts and can even be enjoyed and indulged on its own. Some of the most popular chocolate bars are plain and simple. If this is the one for you, try going for a high cocoa percentage with low added sugar. 

The history of chocolate goes back around 2,500 years. The Aztecs loved their newly discovered liquid chocolate to the extent that they believed the god of wisdom, Quetzalcoatl, literally bestowed it upon them. Cocoa seeds even acted as a form of currency. Could you imagine going shopping or buying a house will a huge pile of Cocoa seeds? It would be wonderful, no? These days, the chocolate was bitter, as it was long before sugar was added. Once chocolate took a turn and went sweet in a 16th Century Europe, chocolate caught on to the masses and became one of many households favorite treats. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June every year, and is the United Nations' principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment. First held in 1974, it has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on emerging from environmental issues to marine pollution, human overpopulation, and global warming, to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime. World Environment Day has grown to become a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually. Each year, WED has provided a new theme that major corporations, NGOs, communities, governments and all celebrities worldwide adopt to advocate environmental causes.

World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, resulting from discussions on the integration of human interactions and the environment. Two years later, in 1974 the first WED was held with the theme "Only One Earth". Even though WED celebration have been held annually since 1974, in 1987 the idea for rotating the center of these activities through selecting different host countries began.